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We do not sell, rent, or share donor information without your consent. We are an IRS approved 501(c)(3) nonprofit.

We cannot accept clothes or other items. Mexico requires import taxes and inspections of declared items. This requires the contents being valued, inventories and a meeting with an office meeting with an officials. In most cases, our time is better spent with the people of the colonias.

We also prefer buying in the colonias because it helps the economy of the poor.

Here is an example. A woman earns money by repairing, washing, and ironing old clothing she collects from neighbors and selling them on the street. When we give away clothing for free, she cannot make a profit. We prefer to buy clothing from her!

Also, Mexican law prohibits the importation of used clothes. We do not 'sneak' items into Mexico.

Privacy Policy: We do not sell, rent, or share your personal information.

@copyright Paper Houses Across the Border, Inc. All rights reserved