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Paper Houses Across the Border

Boys in street between shacks

--Your donations are used for people in need. We have no paid employees.
Paper Houses is an IRS approved 501(c)(3) non profit. We have no paid employees and all members, including our board, are unpaid volunteers.

We support or provide:

We work in the colonias of Mexico.

Founded by a Houston police sergeant . . . continue

Child with leukemia
Leukemia - Treatment 

Carolina Valero Perez, affectionately known as Carito, is a three-year-old battling leukemia. She lives with her grandmother, who earns just $150 USD a month. Carito began her treatment at a cancer hospital in Monterrey, Mexico, because there's no such facility in her hometown of Acuna. She returns for treatments and stays in Monterrey for a week of chemotherapy and tests. Despite her challenges, Carito's resilience is inspiring. We believe in her strength to survive and thrive.

Family recieving groceries
Food Delivery

Now, more than ever, walking door to door to share our food is important. The elderly, waiting at home, simply do not have the resources to survive. Visiting people in their homes, listening to what they have to say, is as important as the food we deliver. Knowing that parents in many families skip meals so that there is enough for their children makes delivering groceries a priority. Some lack the money for simple meals of beans, rice, and eggs. Others must choose between health care and food.

children are table in cafeteria
Cafeteria at school

"Children arrive at school too hungry to focus," reported four teachers, noting that in first grade and kindergarten, some have even fainted from hunger. Our response was simple. Let's feed these kids. We started by using a borrowed space at a nearby church, initially feeding 28 children from a school of 1,000. Over a few years, we expanded to build six cafeterias and partnered with the state of Coahuila, which trains volunteer cooks and supplies ingredients at a significantly lower cost. The solution is straightforward: Feed them.

Child cannot walk.
Jario wants to walk and run with his friends 

Meet Jario, a brave ten-year-old, was born with a severe club foot condition. Local doctors initially believed nothing could be done. Determined to find a solution, we sought help from a specialist in Monterrey. There, the medical team assured us that with multiple surgeries and physical therapy, Jario's condition could be corrected. As of June 2024, he has already undergone several operations, and we are preparing for his next evaluation to assess his progress.

Jario just celebrated his 10th birthday on June 17th, and his greatest wish is to run and play like other children. We are committed to making that dream a reality, even if it means more surgeries and therapy sessions. As of June 2024, he has already undergone several operations, and we are preparing for his next evaluation to assess his progress.

Bob in front of shelter for homeless

By providing shelters for children, those with mental health challenges, and individuals struggling with substance addiction, we safeguard the most vulnerable from life on the streets.

Many people are not born into supportive families, and many face health challenges from birth. Our mission is to offer shelter, food, clothing, medical assistance, and unconditional love. This is why we exist—to create a safe and nurturing environment for those in need.

Join us in making a difference. Together, we can offer hope and stability to those who need it most.


children are table in cafeteria

Parents clean and repair schools. We help with cleaning and building supplies.

Parents build special needs classrooms and we help with some building materials (parents raise money for building materials through fundraisers).

We have also provided school desks, books, computers, software, and other educational materials.

Since 2001

Build Jagger Cafeterias
Computers special needs high school Equip children's learning center
Braille machines to blind children
Assistance with funerals for children
Braille machines - School for Blind
Learning supplies - School for Blind
Natural Disaster Responses
Sponsor Christmas Celebrations
Transportation to hospitals
Covid Supplies
Medical Supplies to Hospitals
Repair public school facilities Build Special Needs classrooms
Events for Special Needs Children
Support Special Needs Schools
Deliver backpacks and school supplies
Support Drug Treatment Program
Provide teaching materials to schools
Downs syndrome assistance
Assist Autistic Children
Eye glasses
Hearing Aids
Crutches and wheelchairs
Surgeries s
Built cafeterias
Free meals at schools
Shelters for the Elderly
Shelters for homeless
Construction materials
Family Assistance
Mission Trips
Shelters for Children
Deliver food door-to-door

Our approach is simple. Walk the neighborhood and distribute small bags of food. 
As we discover needs, we help the people solve their problems.
Act Today

To continue our mission and reach additional children in need we need your support. Please share our website and your reasons for helping us with your friends and family. You create miracles!

Privacy Policy: We do not sell, rent, or share your personal information.

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